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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Beach Education 2013

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Room 8 went on their annual Beach Education Day on Tuesday 12th February. It was a mix of fun, sun and education.
The children start inside the clubhouse and through a video, some dramatisation and quizzing they learned about beach and sun safety.
They then get a tour of the clubhouse to get an appreciation of what the Surf Lifesaving Club does and how they are equipped to help the public.
After morning tea, we all got to go down to the beach for some beach games such as flags and seaweed.
We all got a break over lunch and it was time to get organised to go into the water. Togs were put on and so was more sunblock. The parent volunteers then got to do their thing. (Which was a pleasure really in the heat)
The children got to do a couple of relays and were taught how to move through the water easily. This was a great time to try new things and to gain a little more water confidence.
 It was all finally finished off with some free time to swim. The waves were terrific.
Just hope they slept well for you all that night.